The latest insights from the recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting suggest that now is a prime time to consider entering into the real estate market.

  • 12 months ago
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Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) – Click this link for clearer read.

The latest insights from the recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting suggest that now is a prime time to consider entering into the real estate market.

Here’s are the reasons why:

1) Interest rates have remained stable, with indications of a more measured approach to future rate hikes.

2) Projections for rate cuts in 2024 have decreased, implying a stable economic and employment outlook.

3) The economic outlook is optimistic, enhancing the potential for property appreciation.

I believe this presents an opportunity for buyers to make the smart move now, once the interest rates starts to adjust downwards in Q1/Q2 2024, we will be expecting demand surge from buyers who were previously sitting on the sidelines.

And likewise homes sellers likewise will adjust their prices upwards accordingly.

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