Developers’ sales for the week of 18 Sep – 24 Sep 2023 were 63 units.

  • 11 months ago
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Developers’ sales for the week of 18 Sep – 24 Sep 2023 were 63 units.

The CCR accounted for 28.6% while the RCR and OCR made up 20.6% and 50.8%.

The respective top-selling projects in the CCR are Midtown Modern and Pullman Residences Newton, followed by Grand Duman in the RCR, and EC – North Gaia in the OCR.

It was business as usual after the end of the lunar seventh month.

Without a new project launch, sales are likely to stay range bound between 40 and 60 units.

Estimated September sales to be between 200 and 300 units (excluding ECs) as there is no new launch to pique buyers’ interest.

A new 23-unit boutique development along Jalan Loyang Besar, The Shorefront was open for booking over the weekend.

5 units of the 23-unit boutique project, The Shorefront were said to be reserved.

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