Developers’ sales for the week of 12 Aug 2024 – 18 Aug 2024 were 56 units

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Developers’ sales for the week of 12 Aug 2024 – 18 Aug 2024 were 56 units

The CCR accounted for 23.2% while the RCR and OCR made up 30.4% and 46.4%

The respective top-selling projects in the CCR is Cuscaden Reserve, followed by Tembusu Grand in the RCR and Lentoria in the OCR

The resumption of project launches after the June school holidays propelled developers’ sales by 2.5 times to 571 units in July 2024 from 228 units in June 2024

Two major non-landed projects in the OCR – Kassia and Sora were launched in July 2024

More than 95% of the units sold in Kassia and Sora are priced below $2 million, the sweet spot price for buyers

No major changes were announced at the National Day Rally 2024

The Government is prioritising help for lower income groups to buy their flat and for singles to stay near parents

There is unlikely to be any major announcements until all flats delayed by Covid have been delivered to buyers for fear of destabilising the market.

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