Developers’ sales for the week of 14 – 20 Aug 2023 were 67 units

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Developers’ sales for the week of 14 – 20 Aug 2023 were 67 units

The CCR accounted for 28.4% while the RCR and OCR made up 13.4% and 58.2%

The respective top-selling projects in the CCR are Orchard Sophia, followed by One Pearl Bank in the RCR, and Lentor Hills Residences in the OCR

During the National Day Rally, it was announced that there will be a new classification of HDB estates from 2H 2024

The Central Region will be made up of mostly Prime and Plus flats while the other Regions will be made up of Standard and some Plus flats

There will be more subsidies for Plus flats but there will be tight restrictions as well. And most subsidies for Prime flats but the tightest restrictions.

Singles will be able to apply for BTO flats across all locations from 2H 2024

Most of the flats launched by HDB will be under the standard framework and come with the standard restrictions of 5-year MOP

Hence, it is unlikely that upgrader demand for private properties will be affected

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